Heads-up! We are receiving summer camp applications daily and the first full day week, June 8-12, is almost SOLD OUT! We may have a couple of spots left in specific groups/levels – PLEASE INQUIRE before you send in your application for that week! All other sessions are still available at this point! Please reserve a spot ASAP if you’re interested in any of the other camp weeks!
Apr 21
Spring clinics for juniors!
We have started a SPRING WEEKEND CLINIC for juniors ages 7-18, all levels. The remaining three sessions will be held next Sunday, April 26, Saturday, May 2nd and Saturday, May 9th, from 10:00-12:00 at Episcopal High School. Groups are organized by level and age. If you are interested to drop in (drop-in fee $50) please inquire via email: hankharristennis@gmail.com.
Jan 23
2015 summer camp dates are posted!
Please go to the Summer Camp Application page to see our new dates and download the application form & Medical Release. We’re looking forward to reserving a spot for you! Hank Harris & HHTA Staff
Dec 26
Happy Holidays! Winter clinic and camp dates 2015….
We hope you all are enjoying a nice break over the Holidays! We are working on the dates for a winter junior clinic and will send out an email shortly. If you want to be added to our email list, please let us know: hankharristennis@gmail.com
The dates for our summer tennis camp 2015 will be updated by mid January!
We’re looking forward to a tennis-filled 2015!
Oct 27
FALL JUNIOR CLINICS ended this past weekend!
We just wrapped up our six session junior fall clinic this past Saturday! We plan on adding a few ‘ad hoc’ sessions between now and the Holidays. Please let us know if you want to be added to the mailing list to receive announcements for future clinics: hankharristennis@gmail.com
Happy Halloween week!
Jul 08
Adult Tennis Clinic coming up this weekend!
We are holding an adult tennis clinic this Saturday, July 12, from 9:00 to 11:00 at Episcopal High School for all level players. The cost is $50 per adult and we will focus on drills, strategies and match play! If you’re interested in participating please sign up via email at hankharristennis@gmail.com
Jul 08