Tennis Camp starts June 11!

The start of our tennis camp is approaching fast! Our first week, June 11-15 is almost full. The other five sessions, June 18-22, June 25-29, July 9-13, July 16-20 and July 23-27 are still available but filling up fast as well.

To sign up, please go to the Summer Application page, download application form and Medical Release and send it in with a deposit of $100 or the full camper fee. We are looking forward to seeing you on the courts this summer!



SUMMER CAMP 2018: Dates published!

The 2018 summer camp dates are available. Please go to to sign up!

HHTA summer camp 2018

We are entering the planning phase of next year’s summer tennis camp! New dates and application forms will be published on our website by mid January 2018. Stay tuned! 

HHTA Tennis Camp ends today, July 28!

Thank you to all who participated in our TENNIS CAMP this summer! We enjoyed six weeks of great tennis & fun! Please check out our weekly albums on the Photo Gallery page!

We will offer our annual Junior FALL TENNIS CLINICS in September and October again. Please stay tuned for more information and have a great rest of the summer! Hank Harris & HHTA STAFF

WIMBLEDON Final this weekend & 2 more weeks of tennis camp!

Watching WIMBLEDON brings back some great memories of my time coaching Pam Shriver! I hope you get to watch the Final this weekend!

We are finishing up our 4th camp session today and are approaching the last two weeks of camp. Both weeks, July 17-21 and July 24-28 are still available at this point. The last week is almost full! Please let us know if you’re interested in signing up for any of these sessions or go directly to the application page in our website to download the forms and send them in.


Third week of camp, June 26-30, coming to a close today!

Another great week of tennis camp under our belts… with awesome tennis weather, fun campers and lots of drills, instruction, match play and games! NO camp the week of 4th of July but three more sessions are offered: July 10-14, July 17-21, and July 24-28. ALL weeks are still available but filling up fast! If you’re interested in joining, please sign up ASAP! For photos of the first three camp weeks go to our photo gallery page!

2nd week of camp, June 19-23, wrapped up today!

Another great turnout at the HHTA tennis camp this week! For camp photos go to


Tennis Camp is off and running!

The first day of camp, June 12, began with a full house and lots of eager campers and instructors! We offer five more sessions, all of them still available at this point. June 19-23 is on the verge of filling up, so please sign up as soon as possible!

Summer camp is approaching fast …. change of mini-camp dates!

Summer camp applications are coming in and sessions are gradually filling up. If interested in participating, please sign up by going to our application page. Please note that the mini-camp (half day only) had to be shortened to three days, Wednesday-Friday, June 7-9 due to most schools being in session until at least June 6. The pro-rated fee for the three days is $140. Please contact us at if you’re interested in signing your child up for the mini-campIMG_3079

2017 Summer camp dates are published!

This summer’s camp weeks are published! To view the dates and sign up, please go to our Summer Camp Application page!

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